You Are Not Alone: Link Roundup

I don’t normally get political  on this blog, at least not political in the Political sense, but I’m making an exception today because some of these posts gave me a petty happy and hey, I’m feeling kinda bitter, and petty is where am at right now.

Anti Chumph Election Protests Expand Across Nation

Charles Blow Unloads on Trumpazoid – ‘Don’t try to force me to fall in line behind an unrepentant bigot’

National Security Experts Won’t Work for Putin’s Bitch

Van Jones Sums it up

It Starts…


White house staff watching Obama welcome Donald Trump as president.

“ White house staff watching Obama welcome Donald Trump as president.
Damn! They’re not even trying to look happy.


And some general sentiments I thought that just made me laugh:



And last but not least:

“ magicinhermadness:
“ This is all the positivity I can muster right now
This is pretty much what my mom just said to me.


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