An Open Letter to Roger Ebert – The Raid: Redemption

(No real spoilers, but for those who haven’t seen it you may want to wait until afterward to read this) I loved The Raid. Yep, loved it to death. I gave it a 10/10 in my review grade, and I’ll stand by that grade, as I do all others. I know I’m not alone, but […]

via An Open Letter to Roger Ebert — Kiai-Kick!

The writers at Roger Ebert’s site hated this movie. Here, Kiai- Kick explains how their framing of the review was wrong, and explains a lot of why those of us who watch martial arts movies, love them so much.

If you haven’t seen this movie yet, and you love movies like Die Hard, and The Road Warrior, you would do well to check this one out, as The Raid seems almost like a mashup of the two.

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