Time For New Trailers

Hey, its that time again. Time for me to post trailers of movies that I especially like. That doesnt mena I will get a chance to see these movies. I only have so much money and I choose which movies I’m going to see based on how much fun I’m going to have (or how scared I might get if its a Horror movie). Some movies I know I’m going to stream because I want to carefully think about them as I watch them and movie theaters do not allow me to do that.

This is going to be shocking to some of y’all, but I don’t actually like movie theaters all that much, and it always bothers me when people (usually white men) absolutely insist that the only way to watch a movie is in a dark room with strangers. Some of us have serious anxiety issues, low social batteries, have trouble with loud noises, do not have access to movie theaters that are playing what we want to watch, or just do not have the kind of disposable income that allows us to see everything in IMax. There are other ways to watch things, and quite frankly, the best way for me to watch something is in my very comfortable home, where all my favorite foods are. I’m an advocate for watching a movie however a person feels comfortable watching it. (It also doesn’t hurt to have a massive TV screen, a great soundsystem, and a comfortable easy chair, in my livingroom. Just turn off all the lights and I’m all set.)

Anyway, here’s a short list of movies (and one game) I may be watching in my livingroom this year!

Umbrella Academy Series Finale

I’ve enjoyed this series from the beginning even though I didn’t especially like the graphic novels. The show is “a lot”, but I enjoy spending time with this deeply flawed family, and I’m kind of looking forward to this alternate world fusion that brings together characters from the previous season, called The Sparrow Academy. This airs on Netflix in August.


This is one of those intriguing little films where I’m not entirely sure if I’m supposed to laugh at it, but this trailer has a few moments that made me laugh out loud. Is it a Horror movie? A Comedy? or a Horror Comedy? I’ll find out sometime in August, when I hope it will be streaming then. I live in a fairly large city but sometimes these little films don’t play here.

Venom: The Last Dance

I love it when a movie simply leans into its own absurdity, and Venom does all of that, and manages to make it look like fun. I also just really like spending time with the the grumbling, crabby, Tom Hardy, and the happily silly Venom.

Alien Romulus

This movie looks genuinely terrifying, which I fully expect it to be, because I trust Fede Alverez to bring the pain. This is the same guy that brought us one of the scariest Evil Dead movies created in a while, Evil Dead Rising, and that’s saying something from me, because I am generally unimpressed by demonic possession films. Here, Alien Romulus is getting back to its roots, ala the original Ridley Scott film, Alien, and if I get scared just watching the trailer, I’m not sure how I’m gonna handle being in a darkened theater watching it. It might be too much, even for me, a Professional Horror Movie Enthusiast.

Kalki 2898

This is the only Bollywood (Telugu, rather than Hindi and called Tollywood)) film that will probably ever appear on this list. Not because I don’t like Bollywood films, (I think they’re fascinating and I really enjoyed RRR), but becasue I don’t have a whole lot of access to these types of movies outside of streaming platforms, and I’m not always in the mood for musicals. But Bollywood is increasingly getting into SFF films, and since most of them are based on the culture, I’m intrigued despite the singing and dancing, and I’ve already developed crushes on certain actors.

Inside Out 2

I have been informed by my niece that we will be seeing this movie next week. I’m not really into Inside Out. I watched the first film and thought it was really cute, but my niece loved it and says she wants to see this. I took my nephew to see Furiosa a week or two ago, and he seemed to enjoy it, although I do not think it was anything like he expected (and it was his first Mad Max movie), but my niece elected not to see it, so I owe her a movie, and this is what she picked. Once again, I think it just looks really cute, but I hope she really likes it.

Assassin’s Creed: Shadows

This is the only videogame trailer I’ve ever put here and that’s because this new game, from the makers of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, is showcasing one of my all-time favorite Japanese Samurai, Yasuke, the Black (African) Samurai who served under Oda Nobunaga from 1581 to 1582. As is expected, white men showed their whole fool moon ass about the subject online, (it’s the only power move they have left, it seems), but historically, Yasuke was only an outlier regarding his status among the Japanese nobility. It was not entirely uncommon that the Japanese saw Black men, since they came to Japan as slaves of Portuguese missionaries. I’m delighted to see people paying more attention to this character and one day hope to actually get hisstory in a film.


I only recently saw the movie X, starring Mia Goth. I’m really impressed by Mia (and will watch anything she stars in), but the movie itself wasn’t especially interesting to me. However, the prequel to X, titled Pearl, was awesome, and it’s one of my favorite movies of last year. This looks like a sequel to X, and I’m kind of interested in it, but mostly I just like Ti West’s films, and Mia Goth in particular, plus its Slasher movie. Maxxxine is releasing on July 5th. in theaters.

The Convert

I’ve been trying to catch any movie that comes out of New Zealand that stars Maori characters and actors, so I’m really looking forward to streaming this at some future date. It came out last year but the US release date is for July 12th. I will not be seeing this one in theaters because it’s not going to be playing anywhere near where I live, and I already have a movie date in July, Deadpool and Wolverine, which looks like a blast. This also looks kinda blasty, but in a historical kind of way, and then there’s the addition of Guy Pearce.

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