Assorted Geekery

I will not be going to see the new Ghostbusters movie, because I agree with everything the writer said in this article, and I can’t get past that. I just can’t. If you are a white woman, I’m happy  that you’re happy, that you got such awesome representation (and for the record, I don’t hate Leslie Jones), but I’m still waiting on mine. This movie could’ve done better.


The following is just general geekery flowing across my Tumblr dash:

The brilliant @mofoman68 ladies and gents. #quoteoftheday


themethodblue vulcanplomeeksoup

omfg guys, this is sulu’s husband in star trek:


Source: BuzzFeedsuluStar Treklgbt+ charactersqpocBen
John Cho: You know, I had requested that my husband be Asian.

A.V. Club: Why was that?

John Cho: The reason was that I grew up with some gay Asian male friends. You don’t really see Asian men together very often. It’s very rare in life. I’ve always felt that there was some extra cultural shame to having two Asian men together, because it was so difficult to come out of the closet, so difficult to be gay and Asian, that they couldn’t really bring themselves… It’s easier to run away from people that look like your family. I wanted the future to be where it was completely normal and therefore, aside from the gender, they look like a traditional heterosexual couple. So that relationship, to me, the optics of it are that it looks very traditional on the one hand and very radical on the other.

*I love it when Uncle George trolls people on Twitter, and Trump is a an easy mark:


George Takei roasting Donald Trump is my aesthetic

*Oooh, videos!


*This  is just to show you the level of geekery you’re dealing with on this blog, (because I thought this article was Hella fun):

karnythia cypheroftyr









Did they ever reveal how Captain America was thawed? Because I’m picturing a bunch of Shield agents with hair dryers and I don’t think that’s quite right.

I don’t think they’d want to microwave him so hair dryer is really the only remaining option. That’s how I’d do it.


Do you have a sciency way to accomplish this task?

Well, let’s see.

To thaw a 1.5 metric ton colossal squid frozen in a block of ice (the only way the fishermen who trawled the thing in could bring it home before it went bad), scientists put it in a big vat of brine just above 0 Celsius/32F. That allowed the fresh water to melt while still keeping the squid as cold as possible. Essential, since for a giant corpse with tentacles, certain parts are bound to thaw days before others and could become quite rotten before the rest comes out of the ice block if you’re not careful.

HOWEVER Captain America was still alive, which complicates things. On the other hand, even supersoldiers are significantly smaller than this record-setting colossal squid. This helps thaw logistics somewhat.

Much like the squid, Captain America would have to be kept at a consistent temperature throughout his body in order to be thawed successfully. If his extremities were to thaw more than a minute or two before his heart and lungs were thawed and reactivated, the tissue wouldn’t have any oxygen and would quickly die. What a shame to bring back Steve Rogers only to have him be the poster boy for gangrene. Brain tissue becoming metabolically active before the cardiovascular system began functioning would be even more disastrous— possible permanent brain damage.

And the GH-325 project was born

To keep his temperature as equal as possible across his entire body, something like the squid brine or (more likely) an antifreeze solution would be used. Immerse the Capsicle in brine until the entire unit is within a degree or two of thawing* to begin Phase II.

*Note that due to presence of salts, fats, protein, etc, the freezing point of meat is actually 28-29F. Apologies to non-US readers, sadly I only work with American meat and don’t know the freezing point of corpses/beef in Sane Country Units. That being said, Steve Rogers is 100% American meat. Fahrenheit shall be considered the appropriate unit for this project.

At the thawing point, it’s important to consider life support functions. I don’t know how fast human tissue uses up oxygen at refrigerator-range temperatures, but I’m going to assume that the sooner you have oxygen circulating the better. A heart-lung machine would be needed to oxygenate and move the blood around for a while before the heart gets started back up.

Meanwhile, because Captain America’s last un-frozen moments were spent deep underwater, there may be decompression issues at play. Whatever gas bubbles may have been present in his tissue are currently frozen in place, but when he thaws they can move about and create embolisms —> the bends. Better put him in a hyperbaric chamber just in case.

Since Captain America regained consciousness in a recovery room rather than during the thaw process, it may be safe to assume that he was sedated and/or placed in a drug-induced coma during thaw.

So at this point we’ve got a giant bathtub of brine, a heart-lung machine, oxygen canisters, lots of drugs, plus all the necessary monitoring equipment all inside a hyperbaric chamber. After thawing the antifreeze bath could be replaced with gradually warming water or saline solution in order to bring Captain America back up to normal body temperature. So many machines! This is US medicine at its finest.

Forced warm air blowers (hairdryers) are needed after Captain America is fully thawed, organ systems are reactivated, and he is brought back to normal body temperature. At this point it becomes necessary to dry and style Captain America and put him in period-appropriate jammies to sleep it off in a vintage hospital room. If you think hearing the wrong baseball game tipped him off fast, you should see him wake up with bad hair.



That being said, Steve Rogers is 100% American meat. Fahrenheit shall be considered the appropriate unit for this project. 



*And now I’m going to see if I can find that video of them thawing the giant squid.

14 thoughts on “Assorted Geekery

  1. TheWarner

    No, I didn’t write that article, I wrote a response to it. Christina Tenisha wrote that wonderful and hilarious article. Thank you for the follow; it’s very much appreciated.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. TheWarner

    Sadly, Leslie Jones will always be cast in those types of roles: The loudmouthed stereotypical Black woman. I guess if she refused those roles she won’t be eating, that’s why she came to the defense of the film’s depiction of her character. The creators were supposedly aiming to give audiences a feminist’s take on Ghostbusters, while refusing to portray the one female character of color as a person with an intellect equal to that of the rest of this garbage movie’s cast of female characters. Ridiculous.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, essentially.
      Although I thought she had to deefend what she’s done in that movie becasue she made it and is under contract to promote it. Certainly she can’t go out and trash a movie she wants to be a success, if she wants then to keep making them, so
      I just can’t get past what they did in this movie. her character should have been upgraded from the 80s Ernie Hudson model.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. TheWarner

        Nah. Movie studio’s expect us to just be satisfied that they even cast a Black person in a movie, regardless of how the character’s depicted. “Just shut up and be grateful!” is what those making these films are really saying.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I don’t believe Leslie had any problem defending the way her character was written in a movie.
        Before Ghostbusters called, she was already marketing herself as a stereotype.

        This is a woman who played a variation of the Jezebel stereotype in an Allstate commercial.
        This is the woman who told Black women she didn’t care what they felt about her making a joke out of slave breeding and that she would only “do it harder”, meaning, continue with her brand of comedy.
        This woman, who told Black people they were “too sensitive’ then proceeded to cry on Twitter when racist trolls gave her the business. Who’s sensitive now.

        Anyway, like I said in another post of yours, I will never defend the fact that a Black woman is being attacked because she’s a Black woman. That said, Leslie Jones is not someone I support, at all. I’m only here for those who respect Black women and Black womanhood. She doesn’t qualify. She doesn’t care about slaves being raped, she sure doesn’t mind the kind of writing that produced Patty.

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Hey The Warner 🙂

      I see where you’re coming from, and I know enough about Hollywood to imagine the kind of struggle it is for a woman who has a certain phenotype, a certain look, a certain skin color, hair texture, and certain features to book any role that’s not a racist stereotype.

      However, I do not believe Leslie is a conscious Black woman interested in fighting the system.

      Let me copy paste my answer to our Fearless Leader, lkeke lol.


      “I don’t believe Leslie had any problem defending the way her character was written in a movie.
      Before Ghostbusters called, she was already marketing herself as a stereotype.

      This is a woman who played a variation of the Jezebel stereotype in an Allstate commercial.
      This is the woman who told Black women she didn’t care what they felt about her making a joke out of slave breeding and that she would only “do it harder”, meaning, continue with her brand of comedy.
      This woman, who told Black people they were “too sensitive’ then proceeded to cry on Twitter when racist trolls gave her the business. Who’s sensitive now.

      Anyway, like I said in another post of yours, I will never defend the fact that a Black woman is being attacked because she’s a Black woman. That said, Leslie Jones is not someone I support, at all. I’m only here for those who respect Black women and Black womanhood. She doesn’t qualify. She doesn’t care about slaves being raped, she sure doesn’t mind the kind of writing that produced Patty.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. TheWarner

        I agree with you, and your response kept it 100. I consider the Twitter incident her, as Comedian Paul Mooney would put it, [blank] wake-up call. She has been consistent in willfully ignoring the manner in which her characters are depicted, and embraces the negative stereotypes in favor of a paycheck.

        Like I said here:, I know she has to eat and pay bills, but I want her to demand more from Hollywood and start being mindful of the characters she portrays.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yes, I know what you mean about that wake up call. She said she was surprised by the level of racist hate that was thrown at her.

        Wait, so you,re the one who wrote that piece? I read it (lkeke reblogged the link) and when I went back, I was ashamed to see that I forgot to like, because I really like your review, and especially all the details about the character. It was eye-opening for someone who didn’t see the movie. I knew a little about the portrayal but it’s heartbreaking to see how backwards it was.

        It reminded me of this article about mermaids that lkeke reblogged and the way the cornrow-wearing, darker mermaid was portrayed as an unattractive joke in some movie which name I don’t remember.

        It makes me sad but in a way, it’s soo encouraging to see pieces like this. You guys are part of the movement and raising the kind of awareness that makes all of us demand more of our entertainment.

        Thank you 🙂

        I followed you. Thanks for the follow BTW.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. “I will not be going to see the new Ghostbusters movie.”

    I was just saying that in your post with the lady who wore the hijab.
    I have a problem with Leslie Jones. I knew before I saw the trailer which character she would be playing. That’s what she specializes in.

    I see I was right on the money.

    Liked by 2 people

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